35 researchers from ICVS and CCG met at the School of Medicine for a healthcare solutions Hackathon

15 December 2022

A collaboration between B.ACIS and CCG (Centro de Computação Gráfica), the ICVS / CCG Hackathon, brought together 35 researchers from both institutions and with different areas of expertise who, during an intensive day of work, brainstormed, collaborated, and came up with innovative ideas and solutions using Computer Graphics and Information Systems technologies to solve health care related challenges.


The dedication and enthusiasm of the five interdisciplinary teams were admirable and the atmosphere during the day was inspiring. The teams will continue to work on their project ideas with the support from B.ACIS and CCG.


The ICVS / CCG Hackathon aimed at promoting and strengthening collaborations between ICVS and CCG and was supported under the ACCELERAMED project, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), through the Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (COMPETE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement.

Event photos: