Andreia Rodrigues.
Andreia Rodrigues has a degree in Management at the University of Minho, and a master's in Commercial Management at the Faculty of Economics of Porto, completed in 2017. During her academic years, she joined numerous extra-curricular activities to have firsthand contact with enterprises.
Andreia started her career working in the textile business at Gulbena Texteis, S.A. as a product manager for three years.
Looking for a bigger challenge, Andreia started working at B.ACIS - Center for Health Innovation, School of Medicine, in February 2020 where she runs the financial and human resources department.
Alongside this project, she works as a member of the administration department at Centro de Medicina Digital P5, an association where the main objective is the promotion of health activities with little expression in the national health service through the use of new technologies.
A Equipa.
Quem faz tudo acontecer.